마법사의 신부

원제 魔法使いの嫁

원작 야마자키 코레

감독 나가누마 노리히로

각본 나가누마 노리히로

캐릭터 디자인 카토 히로타카

음악 마츠모토 쥰이치, 플라잉 독

제작사 Wit Studio

장르 판타지, 일상, 로맨스, 마법, 마법사

분류 TV Series

키워드 Mahou Tsukai no Yome

제작국가 일본

방영일 2017.10.08 01:30 (일)

등급 15

총화수 24

공식홈페이지 http://mahoyome.jp

공식트위터 http://twitter.com/mahoyomeproject

자신도 모르는 누군가에게 팔릴 운명이었던 소녀.
그녀를 데려간 것은 "마법사"라 불리는 기묘한 사람이었는데...
에피소드 [에피소드 등록]
1 April showers bring May fiowers 2017-10-08
2 One today is worth two tomorrows 2017-10-15
3 The Balance distinguishes not between gold and lead 2017-10-22
4 Everything must have a beginning 2017-10-29
5 Love conquera all 2017-11-05
6 The Faerie queene 2017-11-12
7 Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear 2017-11-19
8 Let Sleeping dog lie 2017-11-26
9 None so deaf as those who will not hear 2017-12-03
10 We live and learn 2017-12-10
11 Lovers ever run before the clock 2017-12-17
12 Better to ask the way than go astray 2017-12-24
13 East, weat, home's beat 2018-01-07
14 Looks breed love 2018-01-14
15 There is no place like home 2018-01-21
16 god's mill grinds slow but sure 2018-01-28
17 Look before you leap 2018-02-04
18 Forgive and forget 2018-02-11
19 Any port in a storm 2018-02-18
20 You can't make an omelet without beeaking a few egg 2018-02-25
21 Necessity has no law 2018-03-04
22 As you sow, so shall you reap 2018-03-11
23 Nothina seek, nothing fing 2018-03-18
24 Live and let live 2018-03-25
스틸 컷 [스틸 컷 등록]
명대사 [명대사 등록]